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Reservation Info

Make a Reservation

Contact us at least two weeks in advance of your preferred visit. We'll need to know the following information:

  • Preferred date and time of visit
  • Alternative dates and times for your visit
  • Number attending
  • Program subject or title
  • Name, address, and phone number of the group leader

Call us at (309) 438-2496 to make a reservation.

Arrival Times

Arrive at least 15 minutes before your show starts.

Our program schedules are tight and cannot be rearranged to accommodate groups that arrive late. It may be necessary for a group to miss part of its program or have it canceled due to late arrival.

If you're expecting to arrive late, call us at (309) 438-2496 to let us know

Cancel a Reservation

Call us at (309) 438-2496 to cancel your reservation.

Location and Parking

The white-domed Illinois State University Planetarium is located at the east end of Felmley Hall of Science, on the corner of College Avenue and School Street in Normal.

Screenshot of map.

Student Behavior

Classroom behavior is expected from students and teachers during programs. We recommend adult chaperones accompany large groups in a ratio of one adult to 10 students.

Students should be reminded that classes are in session at Illinois State University throughout the year. Therefore, students are expected to be quiet and reserved when in University buildings. Food and drink, including gum and candy, are not permitted in the Planetarium.